Master In T.EX. Diamond Cutting
Welcome to Arihant Diamond Institute today we heard about the course ” Master In T.EX. Diamond Cutting” in this course students learn about manufacturing Units or now to handle units of the diamond. Here, we teach students how to learn T.ex & Cutting through manufacturing print like sarin & helium.
Let me introduce Polished & Symmetry Grading. However Polished refers to the overall smoothness and condition of the diamond’s can produce crisp reflections and undistorted light transmission while diamonds still look dull. Symmetry on the other hand reference the exactness of shape, overall outline, Placement and alignment of each facet. A diamond with poor symmetry will have a visible deviation from the shape and reduced brilliance due to misdirected light transmission.
GIA is Considered an overall cut grade to be one rating higher than the diamond’s symmetry or polish rating. When gemological labs evaluate diamonds for the polish rating & they should examine the facets for surfaces. Such as Scratch, Nick, Abrasion, Pit, Polish Line.
Let’s know about G.I.A Diamond Making Process. So GIA provides a cut quality grade only for a standard round brilliant diamond that falls in GIA D to Z Color range. Along with polish & symmetry descriptions are used to determine its GIA Cut Grade.
The Content includes G- 16 Blocking Method, Process of Making Diamond According to international standards, 0.5 Variation Result also students get knowledge about GIA Parameter, How to identify defects of Symmetry & Polish in a diamond.
Course duration will be 90 days for the full day batch and 180 days for half days.We offer flexible timings like 2 hours, night batches, and 4 hours. The institute provides a certificate after the course is completed.