Arihannt Diamond Institute Arrange Buttermilk Distribution
People were getting unsettled by the sun and most of them were avoiding going out in the afternoon. People who go out for work are seen wearing helmets, scarves and umbrellas to escape the heat. People also keep a cold drink with them to avoid the heat. the condition of human beings, as well as animals and birds, have become helpless against the sun.
So Arihannt Diamond Institute arranged Buttermilk Distribution by Alpesh Sanghvi, chairman of Arihannt Diamond Institute, the diamond industry in Surat, and Krrunal Sanghvi, director, to protect from the sun. For the last 10 days, this summer people from different parts of Surat got relief from this hot weather.
So that people getting cool in this heat so we got a good proportion in it so we are very happy about that. we distribute buttermilk to more than 350 people in a day. Arihannt Diamond Institute’s purpose of distributing buttermilk is to give relief to people from this hot atmosphire and also to motivate others to help others. Arihannt Diamond Institute has provided an example of selfless service and philanthropy to people.
Many serious problems have arisen in the country. Due to the growing population, people need more land to settle.
Seeing the students involved in this work while planting trees, it seems that their understanding & motivates them to engage in this work, and it seems that they will take care of themselves and the whole world from their good manners in future also. We are proud to teach them. Because our students are our responsibility, just like planting trees is the responsibility of the whole human being.