- Every student is expected to maintain 100% regular attendance in the class.
- The Director-Chairman reserves the right to modify course/examination/or any of the Institute rules as and when necessary. The decision of the Director-Chairman in all matters shall be final.
- Mobile phones should be "Switch off" during the class, and on "Silent Mode" in the Institute Premises.
- An application in writing should be submitted to the faculty or Course head if a leave required.
- Students must have to maintain discipline and order during class. Illegal material or Misconduct of any kind by the students during the course training in premises of institute is strictly prohibited.
- In Running course, you can change your time & if in time changing process any charges are applicable, then you have to pay. You can change your time after the completion of the running unit. you are doing your course only in that department you can change your course.
- In that, if diamond damage or loss is been done by you then that will be deducted from your deposit & if your leave is more than applicable valid leave, then Course deposit is not refundable.
- After the completion of course, you have to collect your certificate within one month & in future that will help you to join us & do the practice.
- Students must keep their identity card & course schedule always with them and shall show the same on demand by any faculty / Director of the institute.
- Late arrival and early departure at or from a class are not tolerated in the class. Students are not allowed to leave the institute during working hours without the permission of the faculty.
- Smoking, Tobacco and Pan chewing and Consumption of alcohol are strictly prohibited in the premises of the institute.
- Fees should be paid at the time of admission. Fees will be not refundable under any circumstances.
- Diamond/Rough stock or any kind of packet is strictly not allowed. If anyone finds with it we will seize it by institute & it will not return.
- Students are expected to follow a proper code of conduct in the institute.
- If your attendance is not maintained 100% then the institute has the right to cancel or stop your course or you should pay a penalty for that & then only your course will be started.
- If in your course, Security Deposit applicable, then you have to pay Compulsory.
In your course, leave is more than your valid leave, after that also your course will valid till 1.5 times than that of your course duration & if till then your course is not complete then also it will be considered as to be completed.
If you want to do Registration under B2B, Then at the time of Admission process, You have to provide GST KYC Detail.